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胡华敏 博士

发布者:欧阳炼  发布时间:2022年11月24日 11:33

胡华敏,男,汉族,1994年出生,中共党员,博士。20226月毕业于湖南师范大学,获得物理学理学博士学位,主要从事低维材料及其肖特基异质结的第一性原理研究。已在Laser Photonics Rev., Light-Sci. Appl.Mater. Today Nano, Appl. Surf. Sci., Phys. Rev. B, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.等国际权威学术期刊上发表SCI论文10余篇。20226月加入开云电子(中国)有限公司材料科学与工程学院。


(1) 国家自然科学基金联合基金重点项目,U2001215,在研,参加

(2) 国家自然科学基金集成项目,91833203,已结题,参加

(3) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,11574080,已结题,参加


(1) Huamin Hu, Gang Ouyang*, Interface induced transition from Schottky-to-Ohmic contacts in single-walled carbon nanotube-based van der Waals Schottky heterostructures. Materials Today Nano, 2022, 20, 100267. (IF=13.364)

(2) Xinrong Zong#, Huamin Hu#(共同一作), Gang Ouyang#, Jingwei Wang, Run Shi, Le Zhang, Qingsheng Zeng, Chao Zhu, Shouheng Chen, Chun Cheng, Bing Wang, Han Zhang, Zheng Liu, Wei Huang, Taihong Wang*, Lin Wang* and Xiaolong Chen*, Black phosphorus-based van der Waals heterostructures for mid-infrared light emission applications. Light: Science & Applications, 2020, 9, 114. (IF=20.257)

(3) Yongheng Zhou#, Kaiyue He#, Huamin Hu#(共同一作), Gang Ouyang#, Chao Zhu, Wei Wang, Sichen Qin, Ye Tao, Runfeng Chen, Le Zhang, Run Shi, Chun Cheng, Han Wang, Yanjun Liu, Zheng Liu, Taihong Wang,* Wei Huang, Lin Wang,* and Xiaolong Chen*, Strong Neel Ordering and Luminescence Correlation in a Two-Dimensional Antiferromagnet. Laser & Photonics Reviews, 2022, 16, 2100431. (IF=10.947)

(4) Huamin Hu, Gang Ouyang*, First-principles calculations of interface engineering for 2D α-In2Se3-based van der Waals multiferroic heterojunctions. Applied Surface Science, 2021, 545, 149024. (IF=7.392)

(5) Huamin Hu, Zhe Zhang, Gang Ouyang*, Transition from Schottky-to-Ohmic contacts in 1T-VSe2-based van der Waals heterojunctions: Stacking and strain effects. Applied Surface Science, 2020, 517, 146168. (IF=7.392)

(6) Huamin Hu, Degao Xu, Gang Ouyang*, Interface design for the transport properties in asymmetric two-dimensional van der Waals multiferroic tunnel junctions. Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 2023, 145, 115501. (IF=3.369)                              

(7) Huamin Hu, Gang Ouyang*, Interface-induced transition from Schottky-to-Ohmic contact in Sc2CO2-based multiferroic heterojunctions. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2021, 23, 827-833. (IF=3.945)

(8) Hongguang Xie#, Chao Liu#, Huamin Hu#(共同一作), Hao Yin, Jingxian Zhong, Xinrong Zong, Xiaohong Jiang, Junran Zhang,*, Wei Wang, Ye Tao, Runfeng Chen, Gang Ouyang,* and Lin Wang*, Evolutional photoluminescence property in ultraviolet-ozone-treated monolayer MoS2. Applied Surface Science, 2021, 545, 148809. (IF=7.392)

(9) Jiansheng Dong#, Huamin Hu#(共同一作), Hai Li and Gang Ouyang*Spontaneous flexoelectricity and band engineering in MS2(M=Mo, W) nanotubes. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2021, 23, 20574. (IF=3.945)

(10) Jianing Tan, Huamin Hu, Biao Cai, Degao Xu, and Gang Ouyang*, Instability of the magnetic state of MPX3(M=Mn, Ni; X=S, Se) monolayers induced by strain and doping. Physical Review B, 2023. (IF=3.908)

(11) Lu Hou, Huamin Hu, Guowei Yang, and Gang Ouyang*Giant Switching Effect and Spint ronic Transport Properties in Cyclo[18]carbon-Based Molecular Devices. Physica Status Solidi-Rapid Research Letters, 2021, 2000582. (IF=3.277)                                                  

(12) Degao Xu, Lu Hou, Jiansheng Dong, Huamin Hu, Gang Ouyang*, Twist Effect on the Electronic and Transport Properties of One-Dimensional Helical Carbyne Chains. Phys. Physica Status Solidi-Rapid Research Letters, 2021, 2100390. (IF=3.277)                



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