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发布日期:2022年08月04日 来源: 作者:




主要从事的研究方向为交直流电网的安全稳定运行与控制。作为项目骨干参与德国联邦经济事务与能源部基金项目、国家自然科学基金项目、湖南省电公司科技项目教育部高等学校博士点基金项目等。目前在《IEEE Trans. Smart Grid,《IEEE Trans. Intelligent Transportation SystemsInternational Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems等国内外高水平刊物上发表SCI/EI论文20余篇,其中代表性SCI/EI期刊论文8篇,代表性IEEE国际会议论文3篇,英文学术专著1,发明专利1多次在国际学术大会上进行学术报告,与德国、加拿大等地的高校科研机构建立了密切学术合作关系。


  1. Yang Zhou, Christian Rehtanz, Stefan Dalhues et al. "A strategy for access points selection and capacity configuration for the VSC-HVDC system considering overload scenarios alleviation", International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, vol. 124, pp. 106329, 2021.01.

  2. Yang Zhou, Christian Rehtanz, Karim Sebaa, Pei Luo, Yong Li, et al. "A Dynamic Corrective Control Method for Congestion Mitigation of Hybrid AC/DC Power Systems", International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, online, vol. 134, pp. 107376, 2022.01.

  3. Yang Zhou, Christian Rehtanz, Pei Luo, Yuqing Jin et al. "Joint corrective optimization based on VSC-HVDC and distributed energy storage for power system security enhancement," International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, vol. 135, pp. 107573, 2022.02.

  4. Yong Li, Yang Zhou, Fang Liu, Yijia Cao, and Christian Rehtanz, "Design and Implementation of Delay-Dependent Wide-Area Damping Control for Stability Enhancement of Power Systems," IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 1831-1842, 2017.07.

  5. Pei Luo, Qianru Li, Yang Zhou*, Qian Ma, et al. "Multi-Application Strategy Based on Railway Static Power Conditioner with Energy Storage System," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 2140-2152, 2021.04.





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