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发布日期:2022年04月15日 来源: 作者:





2014年西北大学获化学工程与工艺学士学位,2020年中国石油大学(北京)获化学工程与技术博士学位,2019-2020年赴丹麦科技大学化学系联合培养。2021年6月至今,开云电子(中国)有限公司化学化工学院讲师。主要从事气体水合物方面的研究。在CEJ、Applied Energy、JPCC、CES、Scientific Reports等期刊发表论文多篇。





1. 天然气水合物的开发利用

2. 二氧化碳地质封存

3. 管道流动保障

4. 流体相平衡计算


[1] Zhong JR, Sun YF, Xie Y, Zhu YJ, Sun CY, Chen GJ, Zhang YF. CO2 Hydrate dissolution rates in unsaturated water quantified with laboratory experiments. Chemical Engineering Journal 2022, 430:133137.

[2] Xie Y, Zheng T, Zhu YJ, Zhong JR, Feng JC, Sun CY, Chen GJ. Effects of H2/N2 on CO2 hydrate film growth: Morphology and microstructure. Chemical Engineering Journal 2022, 431:134004.

[3] Sun YF, Cao BJ, Zhong JR, Kan JY, Li R, Niu JS, Chen HN, Chen GJ, Wu GZ, Sun CY, Chen DY. Gas production from unsealed hydrate-bearing sediments after reservoir reformation in a large-scale simulator. Fuel 2022, 308:121957.

[4] Zhong JR, Sun YF, Xie Y, Sun CY, Chen GJ, Yan W. Effect of N2/H2 injection on CH4 hydrate decomposition. Chemical Engineering Journal 2020, 396:125266.

[5] Xie Y, Zheng T, Zhong JR, Zhu YJ, Wang YF, Zhang Y, Li R, Yuan Q, Sun CY, Chen GJ. Experimental research on self-preservation effect of methane hydrate in porous sediments. Applied Energy 2020, 268:115008.

[6] Zhong JR, Sun YF, Li WZ, Xie Y, Chen GJ, Sun CY, Yang LY, Qin HB, Pang WX, Li QP. Structural transition range of methane-ethane gas hydrates during decomposition below ice point. Applied Energy 2019, 250:873-81.

[7] Zeng XY, Wu G, Zhong JR, Chen DY, Sun CY, Chen GJ. Three-scale in situ investigation on the film morphology and mass transfer channels during the thickening growth of hydrates on gas bubble. Crystal Growth & Design 2019, 19(6):3158-65.

[8] Sun YF, Wang YF, Zhong JR, Li WZ, Li R, Cao BJ, Kan JY, Sun CY, Chen GJ. Gas hydrate exploitation using CO2/H2 mixture gas by semi-continuous injection-production mode. Applied Energy 2019, 240:215-25.

[9] Sun YF, Zhong JR, Li R, Zhu T, Cao XY, Chen GJ, Wang XH, Yang LY, Sun CY. Natural gas hydrate exploitation by CO2/H2 continuous Injection-Production mode. Applied Energy 2018, 226:10-21.

[10] Zhong JR, Chen LT, Liu TC, Zeng XY, Sun YF, Sun CY, Liu B, Chen GJ, Ripmeester JA. Sieving of hydrogen-containing gas mixtures with tetrahydrofuran hydrate. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2017, 121(50):27822-9.

[11] Zeng XY, Zhong JR, Sun YF, Li SL, Chen GJ, Sun CY. Investigating the partial structure of the hydrate film formed at the gas/water interface by Raman spectra. Chemical Engineering Science 2017, 160:183-90.

[12] Zhong JR, Zeng XY, Zhou FH, Ran QD, Sun CY, Zhong RQ, Yang LY, Chen GJ, Koh CA. Self-preservation and structural transition of gas hydrates during dissociation below the ice point: an in situ study using Raman spectroscopy. Scientific reports 2016, 6(1):1-3.